(Inter)national projects: benefits and potential

Through interaction with people from different cultures, traditions, beliefs young ethnic minority women can build on their personal and social skills. They learn to respect others and to deal with new situations.

Through participation in international projects, young ethnic minority women discover new cultures, new people, and new places. They learn that their identity, culture or belief is but one of many.

Knowing that things can be done differently and achieve positive outcomes can empower young ethnic minority women to seek and find solutions to their challenges, to work to make change happen.

An introduction to different identities, cultures and beliefs and can lead to an acceptance and celebration of those differences; for example an acceptance of others from a different religious group that they come into contact with in their day to day living such as in school or in their community.

Participation in an international project helps create a sense of belonging to the global community and can help young ethnic minority women realise that the actors in that community have more similarities than differences.

Meeting with other young women who are fighting for the same rights as themselves can create a common purpose, a sense of the collective; can demonstrate the strength and power of unity, a sense of: this is the moment, together we can make change happen.

On a practical level, through participation in the planning and implementation of international projects young ethnic minority women can learn new skills such as international co-operation, project management, how to work in multicultural teams, new languages, all of which increase levels of confidence and self esteem and are useful additions to CV's and areas of professional lives.

> want to know more? Check this example of good practice!

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