Download the list of organisations and participants present
Confirmed speakers
- Niall OHiggins, professor University Salermo, IZA research fellow, formerly ILO employment specialist, Italy
- Madi Sharma: Employers Group, European Economic and Social Committee, Madi Group, UK
- Ian Goldring, director Project Works, Belgium -SALTO's Inclusion through Employability research
- Andrea Drénné Elek, Opening Doors Program, General Electric, Hungary
- Jean-Paul Van Avermaet, G4S Security, Belgium
- Tanel Joost, EQUA, Estonia
- Pascal Lejeune, Head of Youth Unit, Directorate General Education and Culture, European Commission.
- Koen Lambert, Director of JINT vzw, Coordination Agency for International Youth Work in Flanders, Belgium
- Leen Verbist, Counciller for Youth, City of Antwerp, European Youth Capital 2011 + 2 South Day young people (working for a day as advisors to the city counciller, to collect funds for projects in the South)
Young people & coaches of youth employment & entrepreneurship projects
- Denisa Goga + Renart Koçi (Qendra Sociale Murialdo, Albania ) > "How to do enterprise"
- Sabrina Schifrer + Dominik Frankl (gain&sustain:europe, Austria ) > Chance giving - Chance living
- Michael Doom + Yaya Silva (Oe Know?!, Belgium - FL ) > Do it yourself!
- Marijeta Gregov + Marin gregov (R.E. CENTAR- education and rehabilitation, Croatia ) > Quality services for people with disabilities.
- Umberto Dorus Geerts + Mart Tarlap (NGO Continuous Action, Estonia ) > Jump Start
- Heidi Elo + Miranda Palm (Lieto municipality / Kisällikellari, Finland ) > Outreach youthwork
- Marianne Pabion + Ludovic Cecillon (Eurocircle, France ) > VISTA
- Khatia Tsiramua + Qetievan Kazakhashvili (NGO "Koda Community Education Center", Georgia ) > “Mutual Education and Activities for Effective integration in Tetritskaro Municipality”
- Petra Klein + Tanja Lindenberg (Kompetenzagentur, Germany ) > Kompetenzagentur Sinzig - Bad Breisig - Remagen
- Aniko Magyar + Mr. Dániel Krámos (Carpathian Foundation-Hungary, Hungary ) > Volunteer and Intern Program
- Frímann Sigurðsson + Friðrik Sigurbjörn Friðriksson (Hitt Húsið, youth center, Iceland ) > Vítamín, Training course
- Anna Peplinska + Daniel Fitzpatrick (Blanchardstown Community Training Centre, Ireland ) > Blanchardstown Community Training Centre
- Massimiliano Nunziatini + Camporesi Cristian (Social cooperative "Paolo Babini", Italy ) > "Event and ceremonies"
- Una Vorma + Gunita Kuļikovska (Riga Technical University Career centre, Latvia ) > raise young people employment
- Irmantas Sujeta + Gabriele Bubokaite (VšĮ Mažeikių "Versli karta" / NGO Mazeikiu "Entrepreneur generation", Lithuania ) > I have an idea!
- Doutsen Langhout + Siebe Baart (IDEA, Netherlands ) > "Debate for work"
- Mona Mauseth Evensen + Somaya Elfarri (JobbX Career Centre, Antirasistisk Senter, Norway ) > JobbX karrieresenter
- Dorota Anna Milke + Marta Bartold (The Polish Foundation For The Hearing-impared Children Echo, Poland ) > Supprort for deaf and hard hearing people .
- Talia Delgado + Violeta Apostol (Access for All, Romania ) > Acces pentru toti ( Access for all)
- Alenka Blazinšek + Tadeja Ozebek (Zavod Nefiks, Slovenia ) > Project Nefiks
- Ramon Martinz + [Ismael Del Rio-cancelled] (Spain) > Hazlo! (Do it!)
- Lisa Lindroos + Mythia De Lima (Navigatorcentrum, Sweden ) > Young Future
- Fatma Soyer + Ayşe Hümeyra Deren (Steell Exporters Associaiton, Turkey ) > Sectoral Foreign Trade Teams
- David Plumtree + Jade Bassindale (Indiependent, United Kingdom ) > Old School Clothing Co
- Joan McVicar + Kathleen Wilie + Rebekah Colligan (South Lanarkshire Council- Youth Learning Services, United Kingdom ) > H20/ C03
European programmes/ structures for employment & entrepreneurship
- Srd Kisevic (CoE-EU Youth Partnership)
- Philipp Boetzelen (CoE-EU Youth Partnership)
- Leen Van Bockstal (Jint - Youth in Action Flanders Belgium)
- Danijela Bocvarov (NA Youth in Action, Croatia)
- MARIT KANNELMÄE-GEERTS (NA Youth in Action, Estonia)
- Terhi Liintola (CIMO, Youth in Action Finland)
- TREMOLIERES Jeremy (Na Youth in Action, France)
- Rita Bergstein (SALTO T&C RC, Germany)
- Udo Teichmann (SALTO T&C RC, Germany)
- Claudius Siebel (Youth in action, Germany)
- Nina Schmidt (Youth in Action, Germany)
- Frank Tillmann (Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Germany)
- Hjortur Augustsson (Youth in Action, Iceland)
- Andrius Jasinskis (Lithuania)
- Laima Grigiene (Lithuania)
- Martine Lentz (Service Volontaire d'Orientation (Service National de la Jeunesse), Luxembourg)
- Peter Pieters (Youth in Action, Netherlands)
- Lucia Király Csajka (Youth in Action, Slovak Republic)
- Tomas Pesek (Iuventa - Slovak youth institut, ESF, Slovak Republik)
- Amy White (Youth in Action, United Kingdom)
- BERNICE SWEENEY (Youth in Action UK NA,United Kingdom)
- Gerry Ford (Advantage-NI, United Kingdom)
Job sector: employers, job centres, entrepreneurship support, employment services
- Gert Conings (Recrutement & Resources Manager, G4S Belgium, Belgium)
- Jasmin Aufschneider (German Federal Employment Agency, Belgium - DE)
- Ben Bruyndonckx (SYNTRA Flanders - Flemish Agency for Entrepreneurial Training, Belgium - FL)
- Leen Thienpondt (Steunpunt Inclusief Hoger Onderwijs (Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education), Belgium - FL)
- Ewa Pawlowska (European Disability Forum, Belgium - FR)
- Salvatore Vetro (ENSIE, European Network of Social Integration Enterprises, Belgium - FR)
- Sophie Chiha (European Network of Foundations for Social Economy, Belgium - FR)
- Aleksandra Štengl (Croatian Employment Service, Croatia)
- Constantinos Karakontis (DEOK, Cyprus)
- Livia Laas (Eesti Töötukassa, Estonia)
- Bertrand SAUVAGE & Claudia CAPECCHI (City of Roubaix, France)
- Karoly Toth (EU-CSOPORT including EU-JOBS Ltd., EU-DiákOK School Cooperative, EU-FA Foundation, Hungary)
- SIGRIDUR AGNES JONASDOTTIR (Directorate of Labour, Iceland)
- Valdas Maksvytis (Lithuanian Labour Exchange under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania)
- Algimanta Sciglinskiene (Alytus Business Advisory Center, Lithuania)
- Lizzy Bradley (EURES/UWV WERKbedrijf, Netherlands)
- Łucja Kornaszewska (The Foundation Supporting Physically Disabled Mathematicians and IT Specialists, Poland)
- Iwona Ziejewska (The Voivodeship Labour Office in Szczecin, EURES, Poland)
- Jozef Pauk (M-Promex, Slovak Republic)
Other stakeholders, VIPs, visitors
- Giorgio Guazzugli Marini (European Commission)
- James Higgins (European Youth Forum, Belgium)
- Yamina Guidoum (Inclusion through Employability research, Project Works, Belgium)
- Karolien Claes, Saskia Aelen & Mike Wauters (PLOT.form vzw, Belgium - FL)
- Suzy Bleys (Cabinet Minister for Youth, Belgium - FL)
- El Hassan Aouraghe (Employment Policy, City of Antwerp, Belgium - FL)
- Els Meersschaert (Jint - Flemish Coordination Agency for International Youth Work)
- Hilde Van Dyck (Agency for Socio-Cultural Work for Youth and Adults, Youth Department, Flemish Community, Belgium-FL)
- Lieve Caluwaert (Agency for Socio-Cultural Work for Youth and Adults, Youth Department, Flemish Community, Belgium-FL)
- Niina Veko (Finish Workshop Association, Finland)
- Rudy Verschoren (Cafe Konditoria Valentina oy / Suklaaterie, Finland)
- Christiane Reinholz-Asolli (IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, Germany)
- Simon Schnetzer (The What Will We Be Project, Germany)
- Tetiana Katsbert (YEPP (Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme), Germany)
- Diane Carvalho (Eurodyssey, Portugal)
- Pierre Echard (Novia Salcedo Foundation, Spain)
- Erik Wallin (G8WAY, Sweden)
- Oleksandr Nagurnyi (Kiev Youth Labour Centre, Ukraine)
- Joe Hawkins (Youth Council for Northern Ireland, United Kingdom)
- No Info received - Anastasia Arapidou + Christos Mitafidis (CAREER OFFICE OF DEMOCRITUS UNIVERSITY OF THRACE, Greece ) > Leonardo Da Vinci for Young Graduates
- Tess Van Deinse (Jint General Assembly, Belgium-FL)
- Kati Plukk (Estonian Youth Work Centres, ESF, Estonia)
- Mélanie FORTIN (ADICE, France)
- Antoine Godbert (Agence Europe Education Formation, France)
- Violeta Naydenova (Roma Initiatives Open Society Foundations, Hungary)
- Gundula Piersanti (LuxLanguesSA/inlingua Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- Kate Schummer (ADEM, Luxembourg)
- Jerry Fellens (Open youth centres, Luxembourg)
- Iris Wessels (Welzijngroep Sedna (organisation in Welfare), Netherlands)
- Anne Gerd Strand (Ny GIV, Norway)
- Pavel Chuduk (EDUCATIO: Institute for Development and Training (Lithuania) partner of a ROBERT SCHUMAN Institute (Polish department), Poland)
- Anna Dyrda (Dyrda Strategie Personalne/ Dyrda Personal Strategies, Poland)
- Victoria Huguet (Diputacion de Cordoba, Spain)