Training Essentials: From Idea to Project

18-24 October 2010 Antalya, Turkey

Activity type: Training Course

"To train people, it is not to fill a vase, it is to light a fire" - Aristophanes

"The theory is that when all is known nothing functions!
The practice is that when all functions without knowing why!
" - Anonymous

Presentation of the activity

In the field of non formal education Development, Implementation and Evaluation of International Training Courses are confronted with big challenges, specifically in designing, defining methodology, programme delivery and management.

The "Youth In Action" programme is aiming to improve participants' competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes. Training courses lead to higher quality practice in youth work in general and/or, specifically, Youth in Action projects.

Our Training Course is designed to contribute to that.

The training course is designed for youth workers and youth leaders from both sides of Mediterranean sides to support their professional development and to extend their competencies in design and run a training activity taking in account also the Euro Mediterranean dimension.

The training will support participants in reflecting about the design of a training course and about the learning process of groups.

Participants will be work on conceiving by themselves the activities and to experiment them into the learning group.

It would be suitable that participants will come in the training with their idea of training activity or/and a projects approved or rejected in order to work on their documentation.

Working language: English

Aims and objectives

The aims are

  • To support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their competencies about conceive and design a training activity taking in account all the specificities of Euro Mediterranean context;
  • To promote cooperation and to prepare the building of partnerships between participants.

The objectives are

  • To explore with participants what is the learning curve of an international training course;
  • To extend the participants' skills in conceive and design a training activity;
  • To increase participants' knowledge about training and group dynamics;
  • To extend participants' knowledge about EUROMED YOUTH PROGRAMME and YOUTH in ACTION PROGRAMME (Action 3).
  • To explore with participants the Euro med dimension in training activities.

Target group

The participants are youth leaders, potential trainers and youth workers who:

  • Know EuroMed Youth programme and/or in Youth in Action programme;
  • Have an approved/rejected project to analyse within the training;

  • Are directly involved in youth activities;
  • Are supported by their organisations;
  • Are strongly motivated to develop project in Euromed.

Practical information

Organisers and partners

This Training Course will be hosted by the University of Antalya.

It will be organised in close cooperation with the Turkish National Agency with the support of the International Unit of the University and Salto-Youth EuroMed RC.

It will be a unique opportunity for a cross fertilisation!

Recruitment procedures

Group size: 30

  1. Apply on line

    Deadline to apply is closed.

  2. Selection
    Programme countries
    : pre-selection through sending National Agencies for the YiA programme
    Mediterranean Partner countries: Salto-Youth EuroMed
  • Travel, boarding and loading of participants will be covered.
  • The selected participants will be contacted by the organisers about their travel's cost.

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