Euromed Essentials... for trainers and youth workers willing to know, to understand and to reuse the geopolitical issues in the Euromed area nowadays.
"EuroMed Essentials" is a project in three modules on three different topics:
1) Geopolitics;
2) Religion;
3) History.
The first training course will be realised this year in Greece and the other two ones will be held in 2011 in Turkey and Malta.
The geopolitical framework in Euromed is related with some key words as: conflict area, interdependence and diplomatic relationship between countries...
Nowadays is very important understand the general geopolitical framework in EuroMed for understanding many topics related to the international cooperation in youth field and youth policy.
Also the economical situation in the area and its link with the political power in a very important point to be analised in order to understand the role of the young people as actors in the area.
The training Seminar will develop the reflection about the Geography of Power in the Euromediterranean area and the place and role of Youth in the society in the next future.
The focus will be also about the cooperation as strategy within the larger framework and the "globalisation" as part of a more complex understanding of "Mediterranean area".
Greek National Agency for the YiA programme in cooperation with SALTO EUROMED
with the support of Turkish and Malteste National Agencies for the YiA programme.
Greece, 21-26 June 2010
Recruitment proceduresGroup size: 24