Engagement of Women in Politics & Entrepreneurship

What can be done to enhance female participation in politics and in entrepreneurship in Lebanon?

The seminar “Engagement of Women in Politics and Entrepreneurship”, organised by the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani (Italian Youth National Agency) in collaboration with the SALTO EuroMed Resource Centre, the Erasmus+ UK National Agency, and GIZ Lebanon, has sought to address this question involving and engaging 31 participants from 15 countries.  

The undertaking was complemented and enhanced by the insights, experiences, testimonials and accounts provided by Lebanese prominent figures with proven track record and professional standing gained in sectors ranging from social entrepreneurship, academia, government and politics. 

The exchange of insights and experiences between the seminar’s attendees and the experts has resulted in a better understanding of the Lebanese realities (local and national) with regard to women in politics and social entrepreneurship; in the awareness about the “participatory dimension”; in the overcoming of stereotyping about the role of women and in the discovery of good practices and tools about women in politics and social entrepreneurship led by women.  

The seminar has been successful in bringing together youth workers and practitioners who share a specific interest in championing, at national and international level, the empowerment of young women in politics and entrepreneurship as well as laying the foundations for new international projects.  

Yet, the 4 -days seminar managed to add new perspectives to the contemporary narrative regarding the conditions of women in Arab countries, compare European experiences with those of the Mediterranean area, and involve youth organizations from those territories in the Erasmus + Programme. 


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