Issue 7: WOMEN IN EUROMED - A kaleidoscopic sea of roles and places

EuroMed Educational Report


The role of women is one of the priorities of the Euromed Youth Programme. The role of women has seen several engagements worldwide for the eradication of discrimination and the fulfilment of a concrete equality of man and woman both in public and in private life. Women in many countries continue to have unequal legal status with regards to marriage, divorce, property, inheritance, national laws, traditions, customs and stereotypical attitudes towards the role of women. Salto-Youth EuroMed Resource Centre and the Spanish National Agency for the Youth Programme willed to provide the opportunity to tackle this topic and organised a training course in Spain in 2006 about the place and roles of women in Euromed.
This report reflects and shares useful information on Women in Euromed - A kaleidoscopic sea of roles and places.

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