Issue 6: TOTEM - Training of trainers in Euro-Mediterranean region

EuroMed Educational Report


TOTEM (Training of Trainers in Euro-Med) is one of the two long-term training courses on training developed at institutional level within the Euro-Med area.
TOTEM has been designed to support the learning of those youth workers and youth leaders - already experienced in Euro-Med - who manifested their will/need to develop their competences as trainers in this field.
More specifically, TOTEM responds to the need of developing specific EURO-MED-related competences in the field of training and tries to address a very specific target group of candidates. TOTEM is part of the SALTO Euro-Med training strategy and constitutes a complementary training course to TATEM (Training for Active Trainers in Euro-Med), the later addressing those who are already involved in training activities within Euro-Med.
This TOTEM report aims to respond to the need of transferability of training concepts and experience with a dedicating part of its implementation to the self-reflected acquisition of the necessary competences.
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