Marrakech, Morocco 4 - 12 April 2004
Cairo, Egypt, 23 - 31 July 2005
Venice, Italy, 27 May - 1 June 2006
Education and Civilisation have been overlapping since ever. Every civilisation contributed to the cultural history of the world in the creation and the reproduction of societiesas well as education. In the frame of the EuroMed YOUTH programme this relation is even more remarkable. One of its actions, EuroMed voluntary service (EVS), is not developed as much as it could be.
The educational approaches and attitudes are not identical, not only on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea but also between countries of the same geographical area. This course aims at reflecting on the influence of civilisations in the educational systems and on the necessary conditions for implementing a qualitative voluntary service project (Action 2) in the frame of a Euro-Mediterranean co-operation. The educational report has a double objective: to show the reader what was made in Marrakesh, in Cairo and in Venice as well as to involve the reader in a more personal reflection on the interactions between civilisations, education and pedagogy.
No more hard copy.