Meet'in EuroMed

Issue 4


Issue 4 - December 2004

(by Rafael Dochao Moreno, European Commission, Directorate General External Relations, Brussels)
NA's perspective:
The Euro Mediterranean  involvment and strategy of the French National Agency (by Isabelle Olivier, Injep, France)
Cyprus in Euromed (by Yiannis Yiannakis, Cyprus NA, Cyprus)
NC's perspective:
The Euro-Med Youth Programme in Lebanon (by Elisa Aslanian, National Coordinator, Lebanon)
Challenges for my country (by Gehad Amir Galal, National Coordinator, Egypt)
Trainer's perspective:
Jump into Euromed youth exchanges (by Sylvain Abrial [France], Heba Tibi [Palestine], Detta Regan [UK], Davide Tonon [Italy])
Participant's perspective:
Once upon a time (by Yves Bourdérou, France)
EuroMed good practices:
Action 1: Shadows of Human Rights (by M. Vicenti, Link, Italy)
Action 5: Seminar on "Conflict Management and peace" (by Dereta, Turkey)

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