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The aim of the EM GAME is to improve the knowledge among young people and youth workers on the cultural and socio-political settings of the Euro-Med countries and on youth projecting by recreating the steps of the implementation of a project (fund raising, partnership building, getting the project approved...) or by quick quiz rounds.
The EM GAME intends to be a useful educational tool with exhaustive multimedia material - in the hands of young people, youth workers, youth trainers, evs volunteers, teachers - in order to enrich the various activities in youth work.
The EM GAME is really flexible and can be used, for example, in training activities, pre-departure training for volunteers and preparation for youth exchanges.
The EM GAME has two main options of playing - Playing the GAME and Answering the QUIZ - in order to give everyone the ability to adapt it for every possible activity and participants.
Which Activities? The EM GAME deals with Youth exchanges, European Voluntary Services, Training courses
Which geographical area? EU program countries, Mediterranean partner countries, EFTAs (except Switzerland)
The main topics of the questions are:
and also
It provides you the main rules on the EM GAME: the overview (two options to play with EM GAME), the aims of the EM GAME, the structure and rules and the interface.
Background: The idea of a game around the countries of the EuroMed partnership arised from the experience of the SALTO-YOUTH EuroMed Resource Centre in the field of training and the need analysis of what is still missing in this context.
Under the Directorate-General for Education and Culture and in close cooperation with the EuropeAid Cooperation Office (AIDCO) and the Directorate- General for External Relations, the implementation of the Euro-Med Youth programme is regarded as a main priority which also falls under other priorities featuring in the YOUTH programme, such as the fightagainst racism, discrimination and xenophobia, a facilitated access to theProgramme for young people with less opportunities, dialogue with otherworld cultures and the promotion of a greater mutual understanding between European countries and the rest of the world. In addition, a training strategy for Euro-Mediterranean partners has been developed by the SALTO-YOUTH EuroMed Resource Centre.
The following downloads are available:
Handbook of the EM GAME