Training Course "Changing locally - cooperating internationally"

Training for experienced youth workers, that aimed at discovering the resources of the international youth cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme in context of positive outcomes for local communities.

Date and Venue

Five full working days - arrival 9th June until evening (Monday), departure 15th June from morning (Sunday) 2008.

Place: Olsztyn, Poland.


  • to encourage participants to use the opportunities of the international youth cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme in order to put positive changes within their local communities


  • To explore the meaning of youth participation and active citizenship;
  • To learn about needs analysis and how to use opportunities of international cooperation to answer those needs;
  • To highlight possibilities of creating local partnership as follow up of the youth international activity;
  • To increase the knowledge on Youth in Action Programme (especially Action 2 and 3.1);
  • To exchange experiences in the youth participation work;
  • To create contacts between participants and their organizations coming from Programme and Eastern & Caucasian countries;


This Training Course was co-organised by Polish National Agency of the Youth in Action (YiA) Programme and SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA) Resource Centre with support of other National Agencies of YiA.


TC brought experienced youth workers representing active organisations. 24 participants in total (12 from Programme countries and 12 from EECA region).

Applicants' Criteria

  • active youth worker;
  • experienced in the youth field on the local level;
  • implemented at least one international youth activity;
  • active participation and contribution during the full duration of the TC;
  • ability to communicate in English;

Working language


Team of the trainers

Team was composed with 2 trainers coming from different regions (1 from EECA and 1 from Programme countries), experienced in partner countries cooperation within European Community Youth in Action Programme and youth participation field.

Selected trainers were

Changing Team

Additionally one officer of Polish National Agency of the YiA Programme and one officer of SALTO EECA Resource Centre will compose the Team.

  • FRSE - Polish NAFRSE - Polish NA
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