Future Quality Improvements

What lives on after a training course? The e-mail group, contacts between people; the ideas and methods explored during the course; the report...

Everyone involved in the planning, organisation, funding, etc of training courses are part of a fairly large community of practice across Europe.  One of th emajor challenges which is being addressed more systematically these days is this: how to make use of the experience and knowledge gained and spread it around this community?  We do not have to 'reinvent the hot water' (as they say in Flemish and some other languages) all the time - we can learn from each other and gradually contribute to the improvement of quality youth worker training.

So have a look at your training course and try to answer some of these questions:

  • What do we think others might like or need to know about our course?
  • What challenges did we face?
  • What kinds of results and what kind of impact did the course have?
  • What, from our experience, do we judge to be innovative elements of the course?
  • Do we have recommendations we would like to share with others?

Sharing quality elements and questions with others

There are many opportunities to share your answers to those questions above.  What do you think of these?

  • Bring together other trainers from your organisation
  • suggest elements to go onto the SALTO website
  • Meeting with your National Agency
  • Empowering participants to share results within their own networks
  • take the learning to your next training project
  • Propose an article to coyote magazine
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