Good Practice Workshops (Wed 19 Oct AM)
- (YP) The young people (in the parallel youth seminar) attend the 00 Entrepreneurship Workshop: develop your creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and open-mindedness and explore setting up a real business - with Madi Sharma
All other participants will be able to participate in 2 of the following workshops. Approximately 10-15 places per workshop.
PS if you are running one of these workshops, you of course select this workshop in the online confirmation form and specifyany technical needs for your workshop
- Workshop 01: I have an idea! (Lithuania)
"Entreprising Generation" supports idea generation and business plan writing - to improve their knowledge of entrepeneurship and the local market. Ideas are turned into practice. Funded by Youth in Action - Youth Initiative - By Irmantas Sujeta - Workshop 02: From scrap wood to entrepreneurship (Belgium-Portugal)
"Oe Knows?!" set up a DIY project for socially isolated Portuguese youngsters (Cascais). They learned to make and sell street furniture made of 'scrap wood' - generating a multitude of competences and some income. Funded by Youth in Action-Youth Initiaves - By Michael Doom - Workshop 03: Employment of young people with Disabilities (Croatia)
Building new skills for people with a disability to allow them to find a job. An essential contribution to their careers. We also organise social activities for the integration of people with disabilities in community life. Funded by Ministry of Health. - By Marijeta Gregov - Workshop 04: Jump Start (Estonia)
Jump Start is a combination of Youth in Action projects for young people facing employability problems. Exchanges and voluntary work activites stimulate active citizenship, participation and employability. - By Umberto Dorus Geerts - Workshop 05: Employability workshops (Finland)
Regular activities & workshops for young people who are not in school or work, to guide them towards services that strengthen their chances on the labour market. Reaching out and cooperating with different social services. Funded by Ministry of Education. - By Heidi Elo & Niina Veko - CANCELLED > Workshop 06: VISTA (France)
Eurocircle works together with youth employment centres and the regional academy (formal education) to develop young people's professional project and identify their competences. Using mobility projects. Funded by European Social Fund. - By Marie Wittamer - Workshop 07: Competence agency (Germany)
The "Kompetenzagentur" helps young people with fewer opportunities to identify their strong points and find a job or apprenticeship. Networking with firms, politicians, schools, jobcenters, etc is the key. Funded by Youth in Action and EU Social Fund. - By Petra Klein - Workshop 08: Vitamin Training Course (Iceland)
8 weeks training to support and strengthen young people and connecting them to the labour market. Funded by: Reykjavik municipality and Directorate of labour - By Frimann Sigurdsson - Workshop 09: Community Training Centre (Ireland)
Blanchardstown CTC responds to the training needs of early school leavers and local young people in a holistic and integrated manner to empower young people to enter employment, training or further education. Funded by FAS. - By Anna Peplinska - CANCELLED > Workshop 10: Event and ceremonies (Italy)
The "Event & Cerimonies" project has the aim to integrate disadvantaged youth in the labour market by giving them the opportunity to develop competences and skills in a "protected" environment. They learn how to manage an event and a catering service. - By Massimiliano Nunziatini - CANCELLED > Workshop 11: Chance giving - Chance living (Austria)
Our projects combines management education with mentoring of youngsters on probation. The managers get in contact with young people in difficult situations and try to find out what they need concerning their jobplans. Funded by Companies & Authorities. - By Sabrina Schifrer - Workshop 12: JobbX career centre (Norway)
JobbX has 4 projects: job application workshops, entrepreneurship counselling, business workshops and job research. Funded by public bureaus and private corporations. - By Mona Mauseth Evensen - CANCELLED > Workshop 13: Employment support for deaf and hard hearing people (Poland)
Activities for the deaf and hard of hearing to support their employment, individual therapy, workshops, etc - all with sign language interpreter. Funded by EU Human Capital Programme VII. - By Dorota Anna Milke - Workshop 14: Old School Clothing Co (UK)
Old School Clothing Co is a social enterprise, a vintage clothes and art store run and staffed by young volunteers to gain tangible experience in retail, merchandising, art and business management. Funded by own income. - By David Plumtree - Workshop 15: H2O (Heading Towards Other Opportunities) and C03 (Carrying on to Other Opportunities) UK
H20 and CO3 are employability programmes developed specifically for NEET and young people without positive destination. These programmes improve core skills, confidence and employability. Funded by ESF and South Lanarkshire Council. - By Joan McVicar - Workshop 16: Belgian chocolate enterprise (Finland)
The story of a Belgian EVS volunteer that went to Lapland and wanted to stay. He set up a Belgian chocolate and pastry shop. How volunteering leeds to entrepreneurship. - By Rudy Verschoren - Workshop 17: CoLab G8WAY (Sweden/Germany)
Conversity of Busyland engages young people in a transition process with some 4-5 different milestones to reach along the transition from education to work, or from work to education. Funded by the EU Lifelong Learning program. - By Erik Wallin & Frank Tillmann - CANCELLED > Workshop 18: Mutual Education and Activities for Effective integration (Georgia)
Koda Community Education Center provides professional and personal development programs to both Internally Displaced Persons and locals, to give them new personal and vocational skills for their future employment. - By Khatia Tsiramua - Workshop 19: Young future (Sweden)
"Young Future" sets up a competence development plan for and with young people so that they can integrate themselves in society. In close cooperation with trade and industry. Funded by European Social Fund and Trelleborg Municipality. - By Lisa Lindroos
Antwerp Project Visits (Wed 19 Oct PM)
All participants will be able to participate in 1 of these visits. Approximately 10-20 places per visit (depending on capacity).
- 20 Co-actief Entrepreneurship Project: Entrepreneurship workshops for unemployed people. Business set-up analysis and financial support for creative ideas. 18 months of business coaching.- by Evelyne Verschroeven (coach & coordinator Co-Actief) - visit by bike
- 21 JES Youth Competence Centre: Outreach work to young people to have their competences recognised and improved. JES developed the innovative C-stick - a USB-stick to document competences. - by Philip Baltau (JES-Youth and City Antwerp) - visit at walking distance (on foot)
- 22 Levanto Social Entreprise: Coaching, training, work experience and job matching for young people with low level of qualification. In the fields of care, cleaning, gardening, removal, construction, etc. - by Caroline Beyne - visit by bike (to be confirmed)
- 23 Fietshaven (bike harbour): Using a bicycle repair workshop to work on young people's employability. On the job training for both hard and soft skills. - by Tim Digneffe (Coach & coordinator) - visit at walking distance (on foot)
- 24 De Ploeg/Passwerk (disability): Specialised training and job matching organisation for people with a disability/autism. Making the bridge between special needs and the labour market. - by Veerle Van den Bosch (Vice-Director) & Dirk Rombaut (Passwerk)
- 25 Lejo Personal Development Paths: Lejo supports and coaches young people in their personal and professional development, using experiential learning.- by Frank Depoortere (Coach) - visit at walking distance (on foot)
- 26 Work And Learn Antwerp: Dutch language and Bridge projects to bring young people from school to work. Using part-time working and schooling to coach young people to work. - by Ines De Bruyn (Coordinator bridge-projects), visit at walking distance (on foot)
- 27 CANCELLED > Talentenwerf (Construction Talents): Promotion and tasting sessions of jobs in the construction industry. Giving (young) people the opportunity to try out a building job on the field. - by Joyce Blondé (Educational advisor) - visit by bike.
- 28 CANCELLED > Plus JobHit: Using youth work methods to get young people ready for the labour market. Workshops and simulations to prepare for job interview and work. - by An Verheyen (Coordinator) - visit at walking distance (on foot)
- 29: CouscousCola: Successful entrepreneur (from immigrant communty) who completed the Co-Actief workshops: started a shop linking fashion & traditional leather work from Morocco & Belgium. - by Addembi Ben Hadach - visit by bike
Funding Programmes (Thu 20 Oct AM)
All participants will be able to participate in 1 of these. Approximately 8-15 places per workshop.
PS if you are running one of these workshops, you of course select this workshop in the online confirmation form and specify any technical needs for your workshop
- 31 European Voluntary Service (EVS): learn a lot of skills in a voluntary project abroad - a programme open to all young people (part of Youth in Action) - by Marit Kannelmäe-Geerts (YiA Estonia)
- 32 Youth Initiatives: get funding for your own creative project with a group of friends - in your own country or with a partner group abroad (part of Youth in Action) - by Peter Pieters (YiA Netherlands)
- 33 Eurodyssee: go on a work experience abroad. A funding programme from the Assembly of European Regions - by Diane Carvalho (Eurodisseia)
- 34 CANCELLED >Leonardo da Vinci: part of the life-long learning programme that funds a traineeship abroad (part of Lifelong Learning programme) - by Marc De Vlieger (EPOS/Leonardo)
- 35 Erasmus for Entrepreneurs: Starting entrepreneurs can do a job-shadowing of an established entrepreneur in anotther country. - by Hajar Zamouri (Agentschap Ondernemen/Entreprise Europe Network)
- 36 Grundtvig: a Lifelong Learning programme for adult education, which can also focus on employability and inclusion groups - by Ines Verplancke (Ryckevelde/Grundtvig).
- 37 Progress/European Social Fund: the EU's structural programme for employment, equal opportunity and social solidarity. Progress works alongside the European Social Fund > by Caroline Meyers (ESF-Flanders).
- 38 EURES: find job opportunities abroad with EURES and experience the EURES game - by Lizzy Bradly (Youth Ambassador, EURES Netherlands)
- 39 Pefondes Prize: Pefondes is a European network of foundations for social economy and they award each year a "European Prize for youth employment in the social economy". Meet PlotForm, the winner of last year's Pefondes Prize - by Sophie China (Pefondes) and Karolien Claes (Plotform)