Bridges to Work takes place in synergy with the Antwerp European Youth Capital 2011, giving mutual visibility and support to our activities.
Many brains have more ideas than one
The SALTO Inclusion Resource Centre (coordinator Bridges to Work) organised two reflection days and a series of meetings with relevant stakeholders to gather valuable input for Bridges to Work.
- BrunoGonsette: mobility consultant > Le Forem, EURES (Public Employment Serive of Wallonia, Belgium)
- Livia Pensa: career information specialist > Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Estonia)
- Beatrix Niemeyer: professor adult education & lifelong learning > Berufsbildungsinstitut, University of Flensburg (Germany)
- Ewa Giermanowska & Marcin Sinczuch: researchers > Youth Research Centre, Warsaw University (Poland)
- Ian Goldring: consultant/resarcher developing 'Inclusion through Employability' > Project Works (Belgium)
- David Wemel: international youth policy team & EU youth conference on youth employment > JINT (Flemish co-ordinating agency for international youth work, Belgium)
- Koen Lambert: director & strategic co-ordinator > JINT (Flemish co-ordinating agency for international youth work, Belgium)
- Claudius Siebel: co-ordinator Transfer Agency for Youth Policy Cooperation > Jugend für Europa (National Agency, Youth in Action, Germany)
- Susanne Zander: project manager > European Social Fund (Sweden)
- James Higgins: project officer for youth & employement > European Youth Forum (Brussels, Belgium)
- Gisèle Evrard & Hans-Joachim Schild > Youth Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission (France)
- Christiane Westphal: policy co-ordinator ‘Youth on the Move’ > DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission)
- Floor van Houdt: head of youth policy unit > DG Education and Culture, European Commission
- Barbara Zupan: youth policy > DG Education and Culture, European Commission
- Frode Fjeldavli: co-ordinator inclusion, youth programme unit > DG Education and Culture, European Commission
- Marina Gautier: co-ordinator resource centre > SALTO Cultural Diversity (UK)
- Kristiina Pernits: co-ordinator Youthpass (recognition tool) > SALTO Training & Cooperation (Germany)
- Katrien Ponsaert: inclusion officer & co-ordinator employment strategy > JINT (Flemish co-ordinating agency for international youth work, Belgium)
- Peter Pieters: inclusion officer & co-ordinator employment projects > Nederlands Jeugd Instituut (National Agency, Youth in Action, Netherlands)
- Sebastian Graça-Da Silva: training and coordination officer > British Council (National Agency, Youth in Action, UK)
- Maram Anbar: freelance trainer linking employment activities for Bridges to Work (Spain)
- Marija Kljajic & Tony Geudens: co-ordinators & event managers Bridges to Work > SALTO Inclusion (Belgium)
Projects and good practices
Bridges to work will largely be based on good practices that have been working to improve young people's chances on the labour market (see also 'Inclusion through employability: youth work approaches to unemployment'):
- Marjan Van de Maele: co-ordinator C-stick (recognition tool) > JES (Youth & City – cross-sectorial youth work, Brussels-Antwerp-Ghent, Belgium)
- An Verheyen: co-ordinator > Plus Job Hit (employment project, Antwerp, Belgium)
- Pieter De Schepper: project officer > Uit de Marge (support centre for vulnerable youth organisations, Brussels, Belgium)
- Tracy Smith: project manager > Community Links (community work, London, UK)
- Leo Kaserer: youth worker & trainer > Cubic (Rückenwind project for life coaching, Austria)
- Jorge Miranda: director coordinator > Benfica Foundation (fooball club foundation combats social exclusion, Portugal)
- Mari Anhonen-Walker: project officer > Valtakunnallinen työpajayhdistys ry (National Worskhop Association, raising the employability of young people), Finland
- more to come...
Financial contribution
Bridges to Work is made possible through the co-funding received from the following partners:
- The overal European Commission support of the operational structures involved in the event
- The SALTO Inclusion resource centre (coordinator)
- The SALTO Cultural Diversity and Training & Cooperation resource centres
- The National Agencies of the Youth in Action programme from the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, Spain, Germany, Belgium-Flanders, Croatia, Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg