>>> Pictures of Bridges Day 1 Here <<<
Excellent food and a venue full of history and beautiful buildings provide a backdrop for our first day of bridge building. In the morning, we heard from the European Commission (Pierre Mairesse), the Council of Europe (Peter Lauritzen) and the European Youth Forum (Betinna Schwarzmayr). Egemen Ozyay was due to give us his story of the impact of youth work and EVS in his own life but sadly he lost his voice so Thomas Vollner (YES Forum) spoke on his behalf. Lynne Chisholm invited us to think about the terms and concepts we use in recognition and Koen Lambert (JINT) chaired a panel discussion about our different expectations of recognition.
In the afternoon two rounds of Good Practice workshops helped us to start sharing the range of experience of recognition work that is taking place already including…. Europass, electronic portfolios, validation of competence in France, the Cultural and International competency record, youth worker traineeships in scouts, Personal Records of Achievement, SALTO EuroMed Training Pass, NEFIKS.
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The following downloads are available:
Pierre Mairesse, the acting director of the Directorate of Youth, Civil Society and Communication of the European Commission, opened Bridges for Recognition, reiterating the importance of recognition in the Europe of today.
A summary of the introductory intervention about the European Youth Forum and their efforts in the field of recognition of youth work. By Bettina Schwarzmayr (Vice-President)
The importance of using the right words when working on recognition.
A 'Cheat Sheet' by Lynne Chisholm on different terms from the field of recognition. It gives a (arbitary?) definition of some of the terms that are often confused or misused. Do you know the difference between accreditation, validation, recognition? This
Words sometimes mean different things to different people, which of course makes it difficult to communicate. Therefore Prof. Lynne Chisholm came to clarify some of the concepts and terms used in the field of recognition.
Powerpoint presentation by Hans Joachim Schild (Youth Unit, European Commission) about the different milestones in recognition of non-formal learning: an overview of different political initiatives in the field.
Powerpoint presentation of the Good Practice workshop about the French 'right' (by law) to have your competences assessed and validated by specialised agencies. Workshop presented by Christine Julien and Herve Savy from the French Ministry of Youth and Sp
The powerpoint presentation of the Good Practice workshop by Hazel Patterson (National Agency of the YOUTH programme UK) about the Personal Record of Achievement for Action 1 (group exchanges) and action 3 (youth initiatives).
Powerpoint presentation of the Good Practice workshop by Cristina Belardi about a novel way of creating portfolios for young people with fewer opportunities, using the latest technology (CD-Rom, Internet)
The so-called Finnish Blue Booklet (from the Finnish Youth Academy) is a tool to record your participation in youth organisations or activities. Accessible and easy to use.