„Young people have profited less from inclusion and active labour market policies than other age groups"
The Renewed Social Agenda, Thematic Study on Policy Measures concerning Disadvantaged Youth, 2005; KoK Report 2004.
At the same time, it is a generally acknowledged trend that the rate of youth unemployment is mostly higher than the adult unemployment rate and tends to vary more in response to variations in economic conditions, increasing more in recessions and recovering more quickly during booms. Hence the explosive rise in youth unemployment in the economic context of some past years in Europe is not a surprise, with youth unemployment having reached almost 30-40% in some European countries.
Unemployment is a complex, social phenomenon and efforts towards combating it require a well-planned strategic approach, combining integrated policy measures with effective practices. There exist many inspiring practices in different European countries, and together with some theoretical elaborations on the issue, this publication also takes a look at these.
While it is evident that a lot has already been done to work on unemployment among young people, unfortunately there is yet no need to be afraid of being "out-of-work" in that area.
This booklet is part of the SALTO 'Inclusion for ALL' series. Check out the complete series at www.salto-youth.net/InclusionForALL/.
'Working on Work' is based on the SALTO 'Unemployment Training Course' which took place in Portugal in 2009.
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Inclusion through Employability & Working on Work (Estonian)
The following downloads are available:
Inspiration on how to use Youth in Action projects to raise young people's competences and give young people with fewer opportunities better chances on the labour market. Based on the SALTO TC Unemployment 2009. Updated in 2010!
The Croatian translation of the Working on Work booklet by the Croatian National Agency - Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.
The Spanish translation of the Working on Work booklet by the NGO La Vibria Intercultural.
"Noorsootööst ja noorte tööhõivest" is the Estonian merged version of „Working on Work“ and „Inclusion through employability“ booklets.