The SALTO-YOUTH Inclusion Resource Centre's mission is to stimulate Inclusion of ALL young people within the European Union's YOUTH programme, also Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender youth.
Read why.
National LGBT work is surely very important, but International projects are a tool that many local organisations do not think about. However it could be very beneficial for LesBiGay youngsters.
Are you ready to give it a go? Here are some ideas that can get you started and show you what LesBiGay youth projects could look like.
The most interesting part of an international project is the contact and co-operation with organisations and people from different countries. But how do you find a suitable partner - and how do you set up good partnerships?
There are different funding sources for LGBT projects. Find a list of links in this section, and also some inspiration about how to make a budget and how to approach funders.
Organising LesBiGay youth activities requires specific reflection and planning for some LesBiGay related issues. Here are some suggestions about dealing with sexuality in an international project.
A youth worker has to deal with some specific LesBiGay related issues on international projects. Here are some suggestions about dealing with sexuality in an international project.
There can be different LesBiGay issues to deal with in different countries. According to the context, your host country can also offer additional opportunities and inspiration for activities - some reflections.
If you worked hard to organise an international LesBiGay project you probably want to use its full potential. Some hints about working with the media, about creating spin-off effects etc.
Find a list of links relevant for the work with young people lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Youth - both regarding personal development issues as well as LGBT advocacy.
The following downloads are available:
Inspiration & advice for setting up respectful projects with young gay lesbian bisexual people. Lots of information about project management, finding partners, funding,... Based on SALTO TC Rainbow 2005
This extensive report describes the situation of LGBT youth in Europe. It details the mechanisms of exclusion and personal examples, as well as good practices - the SALTO Over the Rainbow booklet being one of them