What are Colleague Support Groups?

Inclusion peer support groups to discuss relevant issues related to the inclusion work of the NA Inclusion colleagues.

Inclusion is a high priority of the Youth in Action programme. Therefore SALTO Inclusion supports the NA Inclusion work through peer-to-peer support groups for Inclusion Officers on a specific inclusion topic. Small groups of 8-10 Inclusion Officers meet to reflect and exchange on common challenges, problems, questions and solutions related to inclusion issues on NA level. The process is facilitated by SALTO Inclusion and experts where needed - but the main resource are the Inclusion Officers' own experiences.

  • The intensive 3 day process (2 working days) leads to concrete action-plans addressing the inclusion challenges
  • SALTO Inclusion documents all the great ideas from the Inclusion Support Groups for the colleagues who were not there.
  • And SALTO Inclusion uses the Inclusion Support Groups to collect good practice and offer its further support to NAs

Who should be there?

SALTO Inclusion has opted to bring the Inclusion Officers together in these Inclusion Colleague Support Groups: the colleagues directly working on/towards inclusion projects in the NA (the ones facing the inclusion challenges). The peer-to-peer relationship (e.g. without bosses or COM) allows for open-hearted discussions tackling sensitive issues.

  • To make most optimal use of the time together, we ask participating Inclusion Officers to prepare some homework before the meeting.


The Inclusion Officers of the NA can express their interest via the online application form to take part in one or more of the Inclusion Support Groups - however priority will be given to those that didn't participate before.

  • Participating Inclusion Officers pay for their own travel costs (to and from the venue) AND for their subsistence (lodging & meals) - (unless specified differently e.g. the hosting NA might offer a welcome meal, etc).
  • The hosting/cooperating NA will pay for the meeting room, coffee breaks and training material.
  • SALTO Inclusion will take care of the communication, participant management, programme, facilitation & reporting.

Is your NA interested in hosting & co-organising an Inclusion Colleague Support Group? Let us know via inclusion@salto-youth.net

Follow-up & Support

The content of each colleague support group will be documented and shared in a report: methods, problems, questions, answers,.... Depending on the specific questions and problems discussed in the Colleague Support Group, SALTO Inclusion will offer tailor-made support (e.g. to deliver tools, training, etc.)


  • Inclusion: dare to look it in the eyes...Inclusion: dare to look it in the eyes...
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